Monday, November 9, 2009

The Treehouse

Since we moved into our new house in July, we've been working on making the backyard a place where Judah and his friends can safely play. First was the fence--a necessity when you have a dog and an active young boy. Then came the walking path to keep the dirt and mud to a mininum. The latest project has been the foundation for a treehouse. Since our yard has such a big slope in it, we figured the best way to use that space would be to level it via a raised play area. Steve (with Judah's "help") has been working very hard on it over the last several weeks and Phase 1 is now complete. The actual treehouse will be completed in the spring. In the meantime, Judah can enjoy playing on the platform, climbing wall, etc. We'll keep you posted as Phase 2 begins in the Spring. BTW, there will be side railings installed so nobody takes a nosedive off the side.

Cowboy Up!

Judah dressed as a cowboy for his preschool Fall party and for the Block Party Heritage Church had to wrap up its 1st Annual Pumpkin Patch. He was quite the cool dude! He's standing with his friend, Olivia, who was a cowgirl and also with his twin cousins, Will & Maddie, in the last two photos.

More Judah-isms

The other day Judah kept coming up with some hilarious one-liners. He had me cracking up all day. Here are the top three.

We walked into a coffee shop to get a snack for Judah while Steve was next door at the bike store. After getting a chocolate chip cookie, Judah went over to sit on a couch to eat. As he and I sat across from each other on opposite couches, he said to me (very matter-of-factly), "So, what do you have planned for tonight?"

Judah and I were just about to go out to the Jeep. We were heading to the end-of-season party for Team Tri-Fit (Steve's triathlon team). Judah looks at me and says, "We'd better head out. We don't want to hit traffic."

As we drove home from the Team Tri-Fit party, Judah says to me from the back seat..."Mom, let's talk about how much we love each other. I'll go first." "Mom, I love you all the way to the moon and back." (This line is from one of our all time favorite books, GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.)

I love my little guy so much!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Who Is Turkey???

For the first couple of months of preschool, Judah would occasionally come home and tell me that they went and saw "turkey" that day. I would try to ask him what/who he meant but I could never get a straight answer. Finally, one day Judah said they had gone to see "turkey" again and when I looked in his bring-home folder, I finally had my answer. Inside his folder was an invitation to Friendship Day (see previous post) at the church. It was signed by Pastor Gerke. :)

As a side note, when I shook the pastor's hand at Friendship Sunday, I ALMOST called him Pastor Turkey! Oops!

A Star Is Born!

The church that Judah's preschool is affiliated with had Friendship Sunday a few weeks ago and Judah's class was invited to sing a few songs for the congregation. Out of the 12 kids in the class, only 3 showed up. Add to that the fact that those three all had stage fright and you get a pretty amusing show. Judah had some nice dance moves for all three songs. As soon as the music would start, he'd start dancing. When the music shut off, he stopped. Pretty funny.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun With Chalk

Judah and I enjoyed a beautiful afternoon making some sidewalk chalk art one day last week. Nothing that will be auctioned off at Sotheby's for millions but fun stuff, nonetheless. Unlike in Reno where rain is a rarity, here in the Midwest, sidewalk chalk art doesn't last long. We got rain the next day and it all washed away. I guess beauty really is fleeting, as it says in Proverbs 31. It's also in the eye of the chalk-holder. Ha Ha

Supersize Me!

Judah loves pancakes. Especially when they have M&M's or chocolate chips in them--who wouldn't?! The other day, Judah requested pancakes for breakfast and he wanted one as big as the skillet. So Steve not only made a huge pancake for Judah but he also put it on a huge plate (platter), gave him a huge (serving) fork and a huge mug full of hot chocolate. Now that's the kind of service you just don't get at the drive-through!