Over the past month or so I've periodically had Judah sit down on his potty chair to get him used to the idea and concept. I had planned to officially start the potty training process on February 1st. Well, today he wanted to sit on it (he showed me that he wanted to by stripping down to his bare bottom and standing in the hallway outside the bathroom) and he actually went pee! I quickly ran in to the kitchen to get his reward, which we had just bought on Friday, so he would be excited to do it again the next time. His reward...2 peanut M&M's! He reached into the jar and pulled out his 2 treats and, after finishing them and getting dressed, he promptly told me that he wanted to go again. Obviously, he wanted more M&M's!!!! Smart boy! :) He fought it hard but Mommy finally won the battle with him being told he could try again AFTER his nap.