The other day Judah kept coming up with some hilarious one-liners. He had me cracking up all day. Here are the top three.
#1We walked into a coffee shop to get a snack for Judah while Steve was next door at the bike store. After getting a chocolate chip cookie, Judah went over to sit on a couch to eat. As he and I sat across from each other on opposite couches, he said to me (very matter-of-factly), "So, what do you have planned for tonight?"
#2Judah and I were just about to go out to the Jeep. We were heading to the end-of-season party for Team Tri-Fit (Steve's triathlon team). Judah looks at me and says, "We'd better head out. We don't want to hit traffic."
#3As we drove home from the Team Tri-Fit party, Judah says to me from the back seat..."Mom, let's talk about how much we love each other. I'll go first." "Mom, I love you all the way to the moon and back." (This line is from one of our all time favorite books, GUESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.)
I love my little guy so much!