Although I've been extremely blessed to primarily be a stay-at-home mom since Judah was born, I've also been blessed to have the opportunity to work part-time FROM HOME doing administrative and/or communication & graphic design stuff to help bring in a little extra cash. After lots of discussion and prayer (and, to be honest, even some tears on my part) Steve and I decided back in late October/early November that it was necessary for me to start looking for a part-time job to bring in a more consistent 2nd income. After MUCH searching for a job that fit my interests and skills as well as the hours that Judah was in pre-school and not finding anything that fit our needs, I decided to look into working at Judah's school at my wise mom's suggestion. I was blessed to be hired on to work one-on-one with a precious little boy named Aedan who has cerebral palsy. He "just so happens" to be in Judah's class in the afternoons, which is when I work, so I also get to spend time with my own precious little guy M-F from 2:30-5:30. Another bonus is that the school is close to home and meets our one-car-family's needs, too.
I began work on December 8th so have been there for three months so far. The name of the school is The Children's Village at Hoover and it is a wonderful early learning center for kids from Birth-5 years through the Davenport Community School District. Although I hadn't planned to work outside of the home until Judah was in Kindergarten, God had something better planned and I am so thankful that He cares about every detail of our lives and takes the time to work them all out so we don't have to.