Friday, December 14, 2007

Pooh's in Deep Doo Doo

Today I put Judah down for his nap, as usual. After about 45 minutes he still hadn't gone to sleep. Instead he was intermittently talking and crying and calling out. Not too unusual for him to do as he settles down into a nap, however. I decided to go in and give him a little "pep talk" to help him settle down and go to sleep. Boy, was I in for a surprise! When I walked in his room, he had stripped down to his onesie. What I didn't notice right away was that his onesie was unsnapped and his diaper was off. Judah then began pointing to something in his bed. As I got closer I thought it was his removed sock he was showing me. As I looked though I realized that he had left a rather large "present" on his blanket. He managed to smear this little gift all over his hands, feet, sheet, sock, blanket and there was also a rather large "skidmark" on Judah's stuffed Pooh bear. I'm still baffled as to how that got there! Anyway, with Steve's help, we managed to get Judah bathed and his bed cleaned up. Pooh had a VERY HOT, SOAPY bath too and is back to his old, clean self.


Dawson said...

Been there, been there. Scary.

-Dave said...

Oh, bother.

Anonymous said...

So this is what we have to look forward to, huh?!! ;-)