In the meantime, we have been attending Heritage Church's new Bettendorf, IA campus and have begun to really connect there. Steve has been volunteering 20-30 hours a week there as the Children's Ministry HUB (check-in/out, security, etc.) Coordinator while he waits on the job God is preparing for him. He is also working 20 hours a week as a lifeguard at a local fitness center.
Teri has been attending a women's study on Holiness at our church, working out at the fitness center where Steve works, spending time with family, volunteering in the Children's Ministry and, most importantly, being a stay-at-home mom for Judah.
Speaking of Judah, he will be 3 in just a couple of weeks! He is a very active, funny, smart, compassionate and caring little boy. He still loves his cars and has also grown to love trains, stickers, reading, playing with his cousins and helping daddy cook breakfast. He loves going to play with other kids at church and at the gym while mommy works out. He is our pride and joy and constantly makes us laugh. We are so blessed to have the opportunity to raise this precious gift from God.
Well, that about covers it for the Meek's and 2008. No matter what plans God has in store for us in 2009, we know that He loves and cares for us more than we could ever imagine. He cares so much for us that He brought you into our lives at some point in our journey and, for that, we are forever grateful. Don't ever doubt that God loves you infinitely more than you could ever imagine too. After all, He sent His Son to earth as a helpless child in order to bring you eternal peace and happiness in His presence. Today is the day to accept His gift of love and peace through His Son Jesus. After all, that's what CHRISTmas is all about.
Wow. I can't believe you guys have been gone that long! We miss you guys and will be praying for Steve's job situation. We LOVE the pictures and videos of Judah. He is so adorable. We wish you nothing but the best and you and your family a very Merry CHRISTmas!
December 30th - yesterday: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDAH!!!! We love you and miss you. Have a very happy birthday and make sure your old man doesn't stiff you on the present. He owes you big time for being such a great kid.
Dawson, Miriam, Noah, Luke, Macy, Caleb
A little late but Merry Christmas. We continue to keep you in our prayres.
We miss you guys
John, Laura, and Emily
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