Friday, May 1, 2009

Say It With Me

Today, Judah and his cousin Will were playing with little dinosaur figures. My mom asked them if one of them was Tyrannosaurus Rex. The following is what happened next.

Judah: No, it's Stegosaurus

Grammy: Sagosaurus?

Judah: No, Stegosaurus!

Grammy: Segosaurus?

Judah: No, say it with me, Stegosaurus!

Good Job, Guys

Judah was eating lunch with Grandma and Poppy on their roadtrip between Indiana and Illinois the other week. He wasn't making much progress on eating his food so they said, "Judah, Grandma and Poppy are all done with their food." Of course their tactic was to get Judah to start eating so he could be done too. Instead, Judah paused and said, "Good job, guys!"

The Knight & The Deer

A couple of weeks ago my dad took Judah and his cousin, Alex, out for breakfast. On their way back home, dad pointed out a dead deer in the ditch to the kids. Deer cross in that area of the road all the time at night (I've personally almost hit a deer two different times on that same stretch) and I'm surprised there aren't more that actually get hit. Anyway, my dad must have mentioned something about the deer being killed at night because Judah came home and told me that a knight had killed the deer down the road. Judah has been learning about knights and their armor and what it means to put on the full armor of God so I guess when he heard the word "night" he thought Grandad meant "knight." :)

Can It Be MAY Already?!

Well another month has flown by and I've not really documented much of anything for April so this will be a long one.

During the Easter season, Judah learned all about Jesus dying on the cross to take our punishment. He also had fun searching for eggs in the back yard at Grammy and Grandad's with his cousins.

Steve's parents came and picked Judah up to take him to their house for a few days. That was the longest Judah has been away from us and we weren't sure how he would do but he had a GREAT time with Grandma and Poppy and didn't seem to miss us at all. He seemed like such a big, mature boy when he came back home. I guess a little independence away from us was good for him. It sure was good for Steve and I to have some alone time together...lingering over a cup of coffee at the book store, uninterrupted talks, relaxing dinners... THANK YOU GRANDMA & POPPY for taking such good care of our little guy and giving us some time alone. Below are pictures of our visit to the John Deere Tractor Museum and The Machine Shed restaurant with Steve's parents.

Steve took Judah fishing the other day at Hennepin Canal off of the Rock River here in Rock Island, IL. Below are a couple of pictures of Judah's first fishing outing. They gathered worms together after an overnight rain and spent about an hour fishing. They didn't catch anything but Judah sure got dirty and had a blast. Notice that he is holding the pole with his left hand and crossing over the pole with his right hand to turn the reel.

Judah and I also went to the local zoo one day with my sister Becki and her 4 kids. It was a short visit right before they closed for the evening but we all had a great time. I forgot to take the camera so no pictures on that outing but my sister was prepared.