Today, Judah and his cousin Will were playing with little dinosaur figures. My mom asked them if one of them was Tyrannosaurus Rex. The following is what happened next.
Judah: No, it's Stegosaurus
Grammy: Sagosaurus?
Judah: No, Stegosaurus!
Grammy: Segosaurus?
Judah: No, say it with me, Stegosaurus!
That is so funny! What a kid. We miss him. Love. Miriam
Love what you did with your blog Teri... anxious for new updates from your lives as they come available!
Steve! It's Lorena Popelka (Stefanik) You were my supervisor at ICPAC back in the day!
I'll be honest, and say I've been trying to find you to ask you a favor... But it was good to read some of your blog too! Your little one is adorable and I am glad to hear that your life is going so well. A pastor huh? It suits you, you know.
We have a 2 yo son as well--Brian--and I love being able to look at the world through his eyes. Judah sounds just like him in his viewings of things that go on around him!
Please email me--lcpopelka@yahoo.com--if you get the chance.
Please email me
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