Monday, January 14, 2008

2008 is a Half Marathon Year For Teri

Since I took up running (again) at the end of the summer, I knew I needed some sort of "carrot" to help keep me consistent and motivated. So...I have decided to train for a Half Marathon in early May. Originally we found a FLAT course in Sacramento, CA but have since found one in its first year here in Reno that same weekend. So on Sunday, May 4th I'll be out there doing my best to run 13.1 miles in and around Reno! Please pray for me...I'll need all the help I can get! :) If any of our female Reno friends care to train for it with me, I'd be glad to have the company and encouragement along the way. Steve is a great running partner and encourager though and I am so thankful for him!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Run! Run! Run! Run like the wind. We'll be praying for you!

Michael and Christa