Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Terrible Two's Have Arrived!

Judah has been the easiest baby and toddler to raise. That is...until this past week. The terrible two's have arrived at the Meek house with a vengeance! We can pretty much expect Judah to do the opposite of what we ask him to do or he just totally ignores our instructions. He tears things up, throws things, pulls Cassidy's ears after repeatedly being told not to, he says NO, throws himself on the floor in tantrums and goes limp when you try to pick him up, he gets into drawers he KNOWS he's not supposed to be in, and the list goes on and on and on. You get the picture. Fun days ahead! :) The photo is of Judah and Cassidy. Steve took the photo so I'm not sure if Judah is doing a mind meld with Cassidy or if he's head-butting her. Most likely it's the latter. Poor Cassidy!


Matt & Becki Hart said...

Sorry Teri & Steve...but I have to laugh...especially at the bit about going limp when trying to pick him up. All of my kids were/are so good at that. Will also does "straight as a board" really well when trying to strap him into his carseat. Three things to remember - PRAY, CONSISTENCY and THIS TOO SHALL PASS! :) You are both doing a wonderful job with him! Keep up the good work.

nichole said...

is it too late to take back the baby sitting offer. hahahahah. just kidding. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have an idea, why don't you add another one to the mix like someone we know will be! (no names because I'm not suppose to know yet-hope someone does not notice this comment).
Your cold sister in Indiana.

Abby said...

Sorry about that! Grant just started getting back to lovely...but I guess the trouble shall come again.